Saturday, April 14, 2007

And Quiet Flow The Words Coz Words Are All I Have !!

Resurrection from Dead

I walked past a deadface ,am I alive?
I saw my eyes in the mirror ,I cried at the sight!
I bumped into a vagrant, I met a friend
I got heads to turn when I had set a trend.
I reinvented myself when I lost a friend
I got hit bad , bounced back in the end.

I climbed a mountain of rocks
An eagle flew over the head
I heard terrible things being said
Folks thought I was stone dead!
I didnot cry though it pained
I thought I was lost
I reached the lucky bend.
I held a life in my hand ,
Guess,it was my own!
I was a pawn in a game
I succumbed to a felon
I walked the road of death
Scared ,I took a deep breathe!
I am alive !

I entered a valley of flowers 
I reveled at the riveting magic ,I let off a sigh
I heard the careless breeze whistling by ,
Spellbound,I cherished the azure blue sky.
I saw my eyes in the mirror ,the lids are dry 
I walked past a face ,I smiled wry 
I am alive  I survived  !!

Painstakingly Sensitive , Comfortably Numb

My photo
I am what I am! A claim to perfection I have not. Perfect I don't want to be. I, like human. Prone to make mistakes. Failure is not a character flaw, Just a part of the human makeup. I live, I laugh , I also learn. I am groping all the time, In waking hours as well in slumber. I have a long road to travel... Accept me as I am because I am No one like me in the world. That is my only guarantee!!

MoonRay’s Meditativespot

MoonRay’s Meditativespot