Pain and Ache Management || Decode Metaphysical Causes for Healing
By Luna Bose Roy | 06-05-2019
Lately, I find many people talking about sudden pain , acute ache , growing numbness without any rhyme or reason and worst of all ,no conclusive remedy despite diligently following recommended treatment . Pain , ache , wounds surprisingly result in much injury time and loss of productive time , today . Is it a modern day phenomenon ? That’s a different wellness topic altogether!
What is obvious though , we have lost touch with the ancient wisdom that everything on the physical plane is simply a manifestation of something on the metaphysical plane. Scientific Studies with enough empirical evidences have shown that chronic pain (auto immune disorders ) might not only be caused by physical injury but also by stress and emotional issues. Often, physical pain functions bring to fore a need for unresolved emotional work that still needs to be done. However, rather than intuitively digging deeper for the root cause , we instinctively outsource to modern medicine and surgery .Painkillers most often treat and manage the pain symptomatically by numbing and diverting pain receptors in the body. Surgeries amputate or divert obstruction of an organ. *This may be valuable under acute circumstances .
Most likely ,modern medication system becomes more effective when the root cause of pain is diagnosed at a metaphysical level .
Pain and ache on a physical , mental and spiritual level do not go away . Suffering can go away ; it is in our control. If we resist pain , it multiplies. When we feel the pain , let us listen to it while grounding each of our cell at the highest state of consciousness. How do we do it? Through meditation .Once we acknowledge the pain , it seems to reduce a bit .
There is an inner child in each one of us .
One who is in pain (of any type -known pain or unknown and not diagnosed .. ) can practise an affirmative dialogue with the inner child - “you have every right to feel your pain as long as you want . You have every right to feel the emotions -anguish , sorrow,hurt. Thanks for speaking up and I will always listen to you . I will not judge you . You deserve an end to the suffering . You deserve all the love . You deserve to heal . “
Healing starts with acceptance , gratitude and love while the medical care continues .
Disclaimer :This article does not wish to impose views on modern medical system or the practitioners . The write-up only endeavours to encourage deeper diagnosis beneath the surface of symptoms for decoding the metaphysical causes for holistic pain management of any kind for complete healing .