Her shuttered eyes stare out of the casement
Watching this world go gaga from her basement
At times she thinks ,there is so much to live for
At times she feels entrapped in a life she abhors !
On days her manic symptoms exact a heavy toll
Out of nowhere ,her dreamy world topples over
Blood cuddling faces run around helter-skelter
After her sporadic bouts ,she wakes up from slumber
Routine duties come running back to her !
On bright days her clear head rests on her mighty shoulders
Unfazed and unperturbed she feeds her indomitable soul!
On the border of insanity and sanity
She sees the birdie sing with gaiety
It gives her company ,confined in an iron cage
She wants to set it free from feeling her spasmodic rage
She sees the snowy clouds sail along the blue sky
She sees the snowy clouds sail along the blue sky
She wants the bird to spreads its wings and fly !
Across the room ,the grandfather clock keeps ticking
Reminds ironically her precious time is slipping
Brooding in trepidation ,is she simply a victim of time?
Reminds ironically her precious time is slipping
Brooding in trepidation ,is she simply a victim of time?
Her glass reflection reminds her ,she is well past her prime !
One fine day as she kneels down to say her prayers
The whispering voice becomes louder and clear
She decides then to boldly face her innermost fear
She opens the cage , strokes lovingly ,sets the bird free
The weight of guilt sublimates from her shoulders
On the border of humanity she runs in unadulterated glee ❤️
Footnote (by MoonRay)
[Dear Brave Soul ,
You are not alone ,you are not a loser
It takes one morning to wake up and face your fear
It takes a loud voice to say your life is very dear
The voice can come from within , it can come from outside
You need at least one loving soul by your side
To say I will be there for you my dear ❤️ ]
Dear Readers ,
[ Talk therapy works well for patients of depression
Listening without judgement can be your mission
They need empathy and can do without sympathy
The worst is apathy! ]