Saturday, May 25, 2019

Coach To Fortune (CTF) came to me at a crossroad of my life. I had quit my high paying and stable  corporate job to be on compassionate leave for caregiving of my ailing mother .I was decisive about  spending time with my mother who was  diagnosed with a rare type of Cancer. I was  searching for an alternative career in Coaching to keep myself intellectually engaged while ensuring smooth flow of funds during our  journey  with the king of diseases . All these years in my HR career I had been passionate about coaching , mentoring and reverse mentoring people . I knew it was my passion .  I was in search of a suitable certification program for a social stamp .The Signs is Universe appeared . I came across a catchy flyer for Coach to Fortune thanks to the brilliant digital media team of Arfeen Khan . Who does not know Arfeen Khan in the space of Multilevel Marketing? I had a business HR stint with Unilever Network Marketing team wherein the sales training team was enamoured of AKs ability to engage  hearts and minds for selling concepts . In this context I had attended his seminars in the past when he had inspired people to walk on glass challenging the limits of their mind gripped with phobia.
While I had planned to attend the seminar of Gemini Dhar (a well known business woman and an eminent  public speaker) , I had to abort the plan to spend time with mother who had to be rushed to Hospital on  that particular day . I had forgotten about it totally and consciously . AK s marketing lead team was persistent enough  to send yet another mailer which made me think. I enrolled  once again.  I chose to attend the seminar hosted by Dr Reeta Shah .  I was definitely impressed by Dr Shahs achievements and her conviction about the process during the seminar. The approach  of the program appealed to my logical mind . You can get started and invest part time .To me Money cannot be the only reason for coaching. What appealed to my heart was AKs vision and his clarion call about Coaching for a higher purpose to make  a difference to self first and to the community at large. Despite lot of promises , it was  difficult for me to decide to invest my money in the CTF program when I needed funds for my mothers expensive treatment  and anything surplus would have been utilised to start my own venture and provide support during the initial phase . But then the strategy meeting happened . Dinaaz with her conviction and inspiring story influenced me a lot . After that it was only about organising the funds . Luckily the money arrived in the form of a long forgotten and long pending settlement. Rightly Dinaaz had said if  you want it  the Universe will help you .

Respect for the CTF process , my coaches and the incredible AK team .

Going through the CTF process , I understood  this was a breakthrough moment for me .

The CTF process is simple, practical , outcome oriented and can applied to individual as well group setting . It can work in all areas of Coaching which I took my own time to believe .

My second Breakthrough moment came during my journey of Self Coaching . I learned who I am during the best , good and average phase . I was made conscious about the Baselines ( Core Value)  abundance,making a difference ,community , leadership ,spirituality  and integrity . I reaffirmed to myself my life’s purpose through a systemic process which I had been discovering in the past 8 quarters of my life . I also discovered my N Codes inherited from childhood- “ I cannot live for my purpose as I have to discharge my duties “ “ I don’t need much money for a minimalist and missionary life”  . Writing empowering code (E Code ) was the first step of self transformation which also reinforced my morning ritual .  There is no looking back .

The third Breakthrough moment came while writing my 50 outcomes . I was always keen to write a few books . I had worked over the years to get the nuggets ready . However I did not focus . My peers ,bosses , friends and sister had always encouraged me to write one . I doubted my priority and preparation“ I am not ready “. While doing the outcome exercise I realised this is my outcome for the next 12 months . I have already made my plan .

Thanks to the power of energising MMM meets of  CTF , I am better able to handle my mothers journey with Cancer with my family . I coached my sister Sanjukta BasuChoudhury on CTF . I had written down by VISION for the first time in 2005 ,Lonavala HUL HR Conference ( to make a difference to the lives of people through Coaching ).I believe CTF has given me a process to S•T•I•C•K to my purpose , vision and mission for life .

(@) LunaBoseRoy 24-05-2019

Thursday, May 23, 2019


(c) Luna Bose Roy 

The term “Spirituality” is used quite frequently these days . At times it is oversimplified and at times it is too complicated . Spiritual “gurus” are at times  larger than life itself , no pun intended . Spirituality in leadership is often emphasised , especially in the VUCA world of our times .

What is spirituality actually ? Is there an universal philosophy?

To my seeking mind , spirituality is a way of being .  You can expand your awareness and consciousness with the Universe and define your own spirituality and spiritual practices for yourself .

Who are spiritual seekers? Can atheists become spiritual seekers ?

Spiritual seekers have realised that they do not know everything ,so they are seeking. Those who have stopped seeking by believing they know the ultimate cannot claim to be spiritual .To spiritual seekers ,the teacher can be life itself and the lineage can be love .
True seekers are not using spirituality as a pretext for escaping their responsibilities. They work day and night selflessly to serve society. They undergo intensive training to meditate ,access consciousness and undertake selfless work and are champions of servant leadership .

What is the essence of Spirituality in Leadership especially in the context of VUCA world of today ?

There are three factors that make one a human being: The longing, after due deliberation, to understand the depth and significance of life.The ability to love others. The strength to enjoy and to spread joy among others.Spirituality teaches us to realise these three. Only then ,human life becomes fulfilled.The spiritual leader strives for a workplace that is truly a community, comprising employees with shared values ,beliefs & purpose .
Employees derive greater meaning from work and sense of fulfilment.

Are the  two emergent models of Leadership, “ servant and spiritual “ really different or, on the contrary similar, with different labels?

Empirical studies share a similar root and a holistic approach to leadership in which the leader strives to encourage a sense of significance and interconnectedness among the employees.

How is it possible to live in the present and enjoy the power of now? Is spirituality teaching
us escapism ?

Another practical , profound and contemporaneous topic . Well. Spirituality does not teach us escapism . True spiritual seekers do not escape their trauma . They process the emotions , remove the blockages ,heal the wound and make peace with their past .They peel the several layers of the mind to process the residue.Only then they can discover their inner power of now.  We can choose to live with our trauma if we make  peace with your past . With the peace that passes understanding  we can be at peace in the present .

What is the Spiritual take on resurrection or rising or ascension ?
Inspired by JEFF BROWN’s thought on grounded spirituality,in life if we are continually seeking and learning ,we can resurrect many times . He is risen that’s what is said every Easter . Christ said those who believe in Him will live even if they die.

Have we contemplated the true meaning of resurrection ? Once we find meaning in our existence and transmute through spiritual practices , we resurrect .We are incredibly lucky if we go through many resurrecting experiences in one lifetime like the Phoenix rising from the ashes ! Life is akin to movement ,growth  , enhancement of awareness , “Light and more Light”  as Goethe said   before his death. When we peel our many layers and allow new awareness and enlightenment ,  we are born yet again in the same lifetime .

Let us  live consciously , be open to experiences to  allow light of wisdom , rejuvenate our souls  , resurrect many a time in this one life time . Only then we will arrive at our grave with fulfilment and freedom .

#Resurrection #Life #Fulfilment  (c) Luna Bose Roy 24-05-2019

#SpiritualLeadership #Spirituality #Life

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Every Day is A Mothers’ Day by Luna Bose Roy 

On the occasion of Mothers’ Day,the social media is abuzz with  millions of heartfelt and deeply impactful messages from across the corners of the world . 
The underlying theme is expression of gratitude to the one person who assures everyday “You are always more valuable than me”. 

There are invaluable life lessons  learnt from my own mother. Just a few weeks  ago, I visited my mom in the Care Unit of a hospital.Here she was fighting a critical organ obstruction , needing surgery , oxygen  and 24 hour care.While still chanting in excruciating pain, she was focusing on fellowship with her support staffs surrounding her.I learnt again , together you can do greater things.I have learnt from my mother’s journey with rare terminal Cancer ,what  goes into our mind is more important than what goes into our  body.

Similarly, I have learnt numerous life lessons from many mothers around the world which I could have never learnt in the best Masterclasses of the world . No worldly adjective can describe a mother’s presence in our lives.

Humbly ,I share my nine learnings garnered over the years. I believe in sharing with the community so that it may inspire lives.Thank you Mothers!You make the world a better place.

 #lifelessons #mothersdaycelebration #lifeskills #community

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

0852019 | TheVoyager@Asprihastudios | MyTravelogue

My travelogue on Facebook 

Anthony Bourdain’s Travel Quotes resonate deeply and are so symbolically linked to life ! 
Therefore they are dedicated to  every "wanderlust"  soul ,so deeply in love with life's travail. 
I learn to travel  and travel to learn ! TheVoyager at heart ,love to travel and travel to love the community ,the flora,the fauna ,the unpredictability, the newness .

One of my other interest areas is photography. I love colours as much as I love black and white.
I am not a professional photographer . I experiment with my own soul .
The photograph || Morning 5AM @ Mumbai . Pure Nature captured via iPhone without photo effect .

My reflection || The indigo air bird  dangerously vaults across the floating clouds ; the rainbow  droplets of the rising sun glowingly  shrouds ! The Horizon lends enchantment to a beautiful morning from the window view ! “Only from heart we can touch the sky” - Rumi .

 #amchimumbai #mumbaidawn #thevoyager #wanderlust  #5amclub #

Monday, May 6, 2019

06-05-2019 || Pain and Ache Management || Decode Metaphysical Causes for Healing

Pain and Ache Management || Decode Metaphysical Causes for Healing 
By Luna Bose Roy | 06-05-2019

One of my friend’s father has been regularly complaining of a  headache , nagging for a long time . A bunch of well meaning and well equipped Doctors have recommended a host of diagnostic tests , prescription drugs , modern medications. His dad continues to seek an answer for his suffering and swallows the pills under supervised guidance of his dutiful son and hoping against hope that the pain will go away . The pain continues to reappear intermittently  to haunt his father and to agonise my friend and his family . Doctors are searching for conclusive end to this “unexplainable “ headache!

Lately, I find  many people talking  about sudden pain , acute ache , growing numbness without any rhyme or reason and worst of all ,no conclusive remedy despite diligently following recommended treatment . Pain , ache , wounds surprisingly result in much injury time and loss of productive time , today . Is it a modern day phenomenon ? That’s a different wellness  topic altogether!

What is obvious though , we have lost touch with the ancient wisdom that everything on the physical plane is simply a manifestation of something on the metaphysical plane. Scientific Studies with enough empirical evidences have shown that chronic pain (auto immune disorders ) might not only be caused by physical injury but also by stress and emotional issues. Often, physical pain functions bring to fore a need for unresolved emotional work that still needs to be done. However, rather than intuitively digging deeper for the root cause , we instinctively outsource to modern medicine and surgery .Painkillers most often treat  and manage the pain symptomatically by numbing  and diverting  pain receptors in the body. Surgeries amputate or divert  obstruction of an organ. *This may be valuable under acute circumstances .

Most likely ,modern medication system becomes  more effective when the root cause of pain is diagnosed at a metaphysical level .

Pain and ache on a physical , mental and spiritual level do  not go away . Suffering can go away ; it is in our control. If we resist pain , it multiplies. When we feel the pain , let us listen to it while grounding each of our cell at the highest state of consciousness. How do we do it? Through meditation .Once we acknowledge the pain , it seems to reduce a bit .

There is an inner child in each one of us .
One who is in pain (of any type -known pain or unknown and not diagnosed .. ) can practise an affirmative dialogue  with the inner child - “you have every right to feel your pain as long as you want  . You have every right to feel the emotions -anguish , sorrow,hurt. Thanks for speaking up and  I will always listen to you . I will not judge you . You deserve an end to the suffering . You deserve all the love . You deserve to heal . “

Healing starts with acceptance ,  gratitude and love while  the medical care continues .


Disclaimer :This article  does not wish to impose views on modern medical system  or the practitioners . The write-up only endeavours to encourage deeper diagnosis  beneath  the surface of symptoms for decoding  the metaphysical causes for holistic  pain management of any kind for complete healing .

Painstakingly Sensitive , Comfortably Numb

My photo
I am what I am! A claim to perfection I have not. Perfect I don't want to be. I, like human. Prone to make mistakes. Failure is not a character flaw, Just a part of the human makeup. I live, I laugh , I also learn. I am groping all the time, In waking hours as well in slumber. I have a long road to travel... Accept me as I am because I am No one like me in the world. That is my only guarantee!!

MoonRay’s Meditativespot

MoonRay’s Meditativespot