Wednesday, May 8, 2019

0852019 | TheVoyager@Asprihastudios | MyTravelogue

My travelogue on Facebook 

Anthony Bourdain’s Travel Quotes resonate deeply and are so symbolically linked to life ! 
Therefore they are dedicated to  every "wanderlust"  soul ,so deeply in love with life's travail. 
I learn to travel  and travel to learn ! TheVoyager at heart ,love to travel and travel to love the community ,the flora,the fauna ,the unpredictability, the newness .

One of my other interest areas is photography. I love colours as much as I love black and white.
I am not a professional photographer . I experiment with my own soul .
The photograph || Morning 5AM @ Mumbai . Pure Nature captured via iPhone without photo effect .

My reflection || The indigo air bird  dangerously vaults across the floating clouds ; the rainbow  droplets of the rising sun glowingly  shrouds ! The Horizon lends enchantment to a beautiful morning from the window view ! “Only from heart we can touch the sky” - Rumi .

 #amchimumbai #mumbaidawn #thevoyager #wanderlust  #5amclub #

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Painstakingly Sensitive , Comfortably Numb

My photo
I am what I am! A claim to perfection I have not. Perfect I don't want to be. I, like human. Prone to make mistakes. Failure is not a character flaw, Just a part of the human makeup. I live, I laugh , I also learn. I am groping all the time, In waking hours as well in slumber. I have a long road to travel... Accept me as I am because I am No one like me in the world. That is my only guarantee!!

MoonRay’s Meditativespot

MoonRay’s Meditativespot